Who am I?

Hi, my name is Galen Lewis

Scroll to learn more about me

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Glew tech logo

I'm a college junior at Harvard

I study CS and Psych

2019 - Present

Headshot photo of Galen

I've played soccer my whole life

I currently play in college

2019 - Present

Galen playing soccer

I co-founded Mark Labs

We built software for sustainable investing

April 2020 - March 2021

Mark Labs Logo

I interned in Product & Growth at Posh, a Series A conversational AI startup

Pictured: Team lunch in Boston

April 2021 - June 2021

Posh Technologies Logo

On campus, I help run Product Lab, Harvard's PM club

July 2021 - Present

Product Lab Logo

Next summer, I'll be working at Atlassian as an APM intern

Summer 2022

Atlassian Logo